Talking with Your Daughter About Understanding Boys (8 Great Dates for Dads and Daughters)
Talking with Your Daughter About Understanding Boys (8 Great Dates for Dads and Daughters)
- Description of the product
Our culture pressures tween girls to grow up too fast and develop attachments with boys too soon. One great way you as a father can protect your girl is to spend quality dad-and-daughter time.
Bob and Dannah Gresh, creators of the Secret Keeper Girl events, have put together an easy-to-use resource for creative father-and-daughter dates with your 8- to 12-year-old girl. These dates help you tackle big questions like…
- What was God thinking when he made girls so that we like boys?
- Why is everyone boy-crazy? Do I have to be?
- When can I start to date?
- How can I stand out from others and be pure without losing all my friends?
A personal pull-out section for your daughter and online audio conversations with Bob and Dannah offer more ways to build your father-and-daughter connection―and to love and protect your little girl as she grows into a young woman.
More about this series―
The 8 Great Dates books offer parents solid, godly advice on connecting with their tween girls. Each book provides everything you need to plan and carry out eight fun get-togethers with your girl―perfect one-on-one or for a small group of parents and their energetic 8- to 12-year-old daughters. Every date is full of fun―while at the same time focusing on one topic that’s important to a tween girl’s life and imparting a life- and faith-enhancing message.