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Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell

Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell

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  • Description of the product

Thinking Clearly and Biblically about Eternity, Afterlife, and Death

Did you know that the original biblical languages use several words for heaven and hell that mean different things? Did you know that there are different beliefs about how many heavens and hells there are?

To make matters still more confusing, other religions and philosophies have contributed their own ideas to the mix until it's hard to separate sound biblical teaching from speculation, falsehood, and folklore.

Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell by Kenneth Boa—author of spiritual formation bestseller Conformed to His Image—helps you cut through the clutter to see what the Bible really reveals about heaven and hell, salvation, and judgment.

In this book, you'll learn:  

  • Why Jesus is the only means of understanding heaven or hell.
  • Different biblical words for heaven and hell and what they likely meant to the authors who wrote them.
  • A biblical understanding of whether "the fires of hell" are literal or figurative.
  • What we can and can't know about heaven from what's been revealed in Scripture.
  • A better understanding of God's judgment: who will go where, and why.


Get ready for some surprises! This book will help you set aside your preconceptions and pierce through the myths and misinformation to gain an accurate, truly biblical perspective on heaven and hell.

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Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell
Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell9780310254287
Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell9780310254287
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